Career Connections Pre-Apprenticeship
Career Connections
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America offers curriculum for students in grades 9-12. Schools have used this program to complement their existing curriculum or as their own stand-alone program.
The Career Connections program not only teaches important hands-on skills for all students but also gives the students a direct pathway to a Career in Construction. The Career Connections program consists of six different books. The books include One Trade Many Careers (soft skills), Math for the Trades, Project Book 1, Project Book 2, Project Book 3 Residential Construction, and Project Book 3 Commercial Construction. The books are made by carpenters for carpenters. They are designed for today’s modern learning styles. All of the lesson plans, working drawings, grading rubrics, project evaluations, and state framework alignment have been completed for teacher use. Accompanied by the books are our test generation software and the Virtual Shop. The Virtual Shop shows 3D videos of project pieces coming together.
With the use of Career Connections comes an articulation agreement. Students are earning credits toward the apprenticeship program while still in high school. After completing each book, students receive a certificate of completion showing the credit they’ve earned. This gives them a great head start in practical knowledge and income potential upon graduation.
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