Louisiana Locals

Local 1846

Phone: 504-822-2243
Fax: 504-305-0005
Email: Local1846@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4:30pm
Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
Council Representatives:
Victor Chavez
504-810-2611; VChavez@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Les Harvel
504-432-1659; LHarvel@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Albino Balderas
662-985-9940; ABalderas@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Yackelin Chavez

April Griffin
agriffin@centralsouthcarpenters.org; 504-822-2243

Local 2232

Phone: 713-649-0333
Fax: 281-241-3114
Email: Local2232@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Council Representative:
Aaron Davis
225-521-7401; ADavis@centralsouthcarpenters.org

Baton Rouge
Local 1098

8875 Greenwell Springs Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70814
Phone: 225-356-2468
Fax: 225-356-4561
Email: Local1098@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4:30pm
Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
Assistant Area Manager:
Beau Serpas
504-256-4726; BSerpas@centralsouthcarpenters.org
Dorothy Harrell

Louisiana Industrial
Local 3101

Boise Cascade facilities in Oakdale & Florine, LA
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1129
Oakdale, LA 71463
Meeting: 4th Monday of the month from 1:30pm-4:00pm
Council Representative:
Shanta Prude
504-273-9604; SPrude@centralsouthcarpenters.org