Carpenters’ union structure

United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of america

The Central South Carpenters Regional Council is an affiliate of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters is North America’s largest building-trades union, with more than a half-million members in the construction, industrial-maintenance, and wood-products industries.

We recognize that for the union to remain strong, our signatory contractors need to succeed in today’s highly competitive marketplace – and our signatory contractors do that with workers committed to safety, productivity, and the proud legacy of our Brotherhood.

Skills, safety, and productivity have brought our members fair wages, good benefits, and dignity in work and retirement since the Brotherhood was founded in 1881.

The UBC is made up of districts and regional councils, which are comprised of local unions. Read more about this structure below.

Central south carpenters regional council

The Central South Carpenters Regional Council represents members in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Local Unions

The Central South Carpenters Regional Council is made up of 12 carpenter locals and three millwright locals.